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6 Signs You Have a Pinched Back Nerve

6 Signs You Have a Pinched Back Nerve

Back pain is so common that most people will deal with it at some point during their life. That doesn’t mean there’s a one-size-fits-all solution to the discomfort, however. 


Easing your back pain starts with finding out what’s causing it, particularly when you weren’t aware of a specific injury or incident occurring. It could be a pinched nerve, a strained muscle, or something else. 


Fortunately, if you’re living with back pain, our team at Vascular & Interventional Associates can help. At our office in Crestview Hills, Kentucky, we work with you to figure out the source of your discomfort and to find the right treatment — or combination of treatments — to bring you relief. 


If you live in the areas of northern Kentucky and Cincinnati, Ohio and you’re experiencing back pain that you think is due to a pinched nerve, don’t hesitate to pay us a visit. Here, we highlight six common signs that you have a pinched nerve. 

Pinched nerve signs

The nerves in your spine need their space. But your vertebrae, muscles, and other tissues surrounding your spinal column can encroach on them. 


When the nerves get pressed — or pinched — they let you know by sending pain signals to your brain. In some cases, that pain doesn’t stay confined to your back; you may notice pain radiating to other parts of your body, following the path of the affected nerve. 


Symptoms of a pinched nerve can include:


  1. Sharp pain
  2. Discomfort that gets worse with certain activities (e.g., sitting, coughing, turning your head)
  3. Pain that radiates to a nearby limb
  4. Numbness in a nearby limb 
  5. Tingling or pins-and-needles in a nearby limb
  6. Weakness in a nearby limb


With the limb-related symptoms, the location of the pinched nerve dictates the affected limb. If you have a pinched nerve in your upper spine, for example, you might have numbness or weakness in your arm; a pinched nerve in your lower back could affect one or both legs. 


If those signs sound familiar, schedule a visit with the experienced team at Vascular & Interventional Associates. We’re here to diagnose the root cause of your back pain and to soothe it. 

Getting relief from your back pain

Whether you have a pinched nerve or something else is to blame, we want to help ease your back pain. Our team offers treatments that target the pain at its source. 

If it’s a pinched nerve, for example, and conservative treatment options like rest and physical therapy aren’t helping, we might recommend radiofrequency ablation. This destroys the nerve fibers that are sending pain signals to your brain.

In other words, you’re not stuck with your back pain. To find the right option to get relief, call Vascular & Interventional Associates or request an appointment online today.

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