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Best Exercises After Varicose Vein Treatment

Most varicose vein treatments don’t require much downtime. In fact, walking a bit right away, and exercising daily, is typically recommended. This level of exercise will help get your circulation back to normal, speed healing and help prevent blood clots.

How Your Body Heals

After varicose vein procedures, your body will need to gradually remove, and re-absorb, the treated–now collapsed–vein. You will have small bandages over tiny incisions and may have vein bruising. Bruises will fade over the next week or two. (For an example of the results, view our Before & After photos.) Blood will begin flowing smoothly around the treated area, through the nearby healthy veins. Exercise helps in all these processes. But should you run a marathon the day of your vein procedure? No! 

Hold Off On Strenuous Exercise

A serious workout or vigorous exercise should normally wait for at least 14 days after a varicose vein procedure. You must also avoid lifting weights or anything heavy—even a toddler. After Cincinnati vein treatment, your vein doctors may also ban driving for a couple of days, if you have undergone anesthesia, are taking pain medication and/or if your leg is a bit stiff. Avoid hot showers, saunas, hot tubs or hot yoga, to avoid re-opening (dilating) the recently collapsed/treated vein.

Staying Active After Vein Procedures

After laser vein treatment, or other minimally invasive vascular procedure, consistent walking sessions will help normalize your circulation and can prevent blood clots. Start by walking for about 10 or 15 minutes, 3 times per day. Do not do exercise that increases your heart rate for the first 2 days. You can slowly work up to your normal level of walking and exercise over the next two weeks. However, save any high-impact exercise, such as running, until your surgeon gives you the OK, usually after 2 weeks. After the first day or two of light walking, you may add:

As you begin returning to your exercise routine, contact your vein doctor if you experience increasing pain or swelling. Your vascular surgeon may instruct you to wear compression stockings during healing, including during exercise. Remember that your vein doctor knows you, and your condition, best. Be sure that you always follow your vascular surgeon’s specific directions about post-procedure exercise. His or her instructions may differ from these general guidelines.

Expert Vein Treatment in Crestview Hills, Kentucky, Near Cincinnati

For personalized vein care, tailored to your individual needs, visit VIA Vein Center. We offer a variety of advanced, yet minimally invasive, vein procedures to help you maintain good vein health for life. Contact Vascular & Interventional Associates Vein Center online today or call us anytime M-F, from 8 AM to 4 PM, at 859-286-7333.

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