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Can I Get Vein Treatment While Pregnant?

Pregnant women are at high risk of developing varicose veins due to several factors including an increase in blood volume, a decrease in blood flow rate, pressure on the vena cava from the uterus, and hormonal changes that dilate the vessels. All of these factors come together to promote the development of bulging, deformed veins, called varicose veins.

Vascular and Interventional Associates, a leading Cincinnati vein treatment center, often examines pregnant woman experiencing new symptoms of venous insufficiency. Common signs include raised, swollen, or disfigured veins and skin changes in the legs, while symptoms include fatigue in the lower legs, leg pain, heaviness, numbness, and tingling. In most cases, surgery is not recommended for patients who are pregnant for one primary reason: venous insufficiency often resolves on it’s own following pregnancy. However, our doctors can assist pregnant women in reducing the signs and symptoms of venous insufficiency and preventing complications during their pregnancy. Some of the measures that might help include: 

Recommendations vary based on your signs and symptoms, risk factors, age, and stage of pregnancy. For this reason, any pregnant woman experiencing the signs and symptoms of venous insufficiency should schedule an appointment as soon as possible.

Scheduling all of your prenatal visits is also a very important aspect of maintaining your overall health during pregnancy and ensuring your doctor is able to adequately monitor for venous insufficiency and other vein diseases. If you do develop problems with your veins are new varicose veins during pregnancy and have questions how about diagnosis or treatment, contact vascular and Interventional Associates in Cincinnati. They can visit with you about varicose vein treatment after pregnancy and provide you with before & after photos and testimonies of patients they’ve treated.

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