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DVT: What You Need to Know

DVT: What You Need to Know

Plenty of people deal with leg swelling at some point. Sitting or standing for too long can lead to this issue, as can pregnancy, medications like ibuprofen, and a range of other causes. That doesn’t mean you should dismiss leg swelling as normal, though.

That’s because swelling in your legs could be a sign of a serious health condition like deep vein thrombosis — or DVT, for short. 

Our team at Vascular & Interventional Associates can help you figure out what’s behind your leg swelling. If something like DVT is to blame, we provide the right treatment to address it and protect your overall health. If you live in northern Kentucky or the Cincinnati, Ohio, area, visit our office in Crestview Hills, Kentucky, if you have persistent leg swelling. 

DVT 101

You get deep vein thrombosis when a blood clot develops in one of the veins deep within your body. Medical professionals call a blood clot a thrombus, hence the name of this condition.

While DVT can develop in any deep vein, it’s by far most common in your legs. 

Sometimes, DVT doesn’t cause any symptoms. If you do feel something because of the blood clot, you might experience:

If you notice any of these changes in your legs, don’t wait to schedule an appointment with our team. 

When DVT gets dangerous

While DVT can cause unwelcome symptoms, the biggest issue with this condition arises if the blood clot travels. It can break loose in your leg and move up to your lungs. When the clot blocks blood flow to your lungs, it’s called a pulmonary embolism

Any impediment to blood flow to your lungs can damage them or cause low blood oxygen levels that harm your organs. If the clot is big enough, a pulmonary embolism can be life-threatening. 

Ultimately, if you’re noticing leg swelling, you could be at risk for a serious health complication. Seeing our team means finding out if you have a blood clot in your leg and, if so, the best way to address it to prevent it from traveling. 

Treating DVT

At Vascular and Interventional Associates, our team is the most experienced in the region at treating DVT-related leg swelling. We can tailor treatment specific to you, taking into account which leg has the clot, the size of the clot, and your risk for pulmonary embolism. 

In some cases, we can use clot-busting medications to break up the clot and restore normal blood flow to that deep vein in your leg. Other times, patients need more involved treatment like the placement of a stent to open up the vein. 

Ultimately, we specialize in addressing DVT to alleviate your symptoms and lower your risk of pulmonary embolism or other complications. If you’ve noticed swelling or any other changes in your legs, call our office staff at Vascular & Interventional Associates or request an appointment online today.

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