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Is Small Vessel Disease Dangerous?

Unlike some medical problems, small vessel disease isn’t hiding behind hard-to-pronounce medical terms. Still, you’ll need some background information to understand the true meaning of this diagnosis and protect your health. The vessels we’re talking about are your blood vessels, your vascular or circulatory system, that runs all throughout your body. As you can imagine, such an important bodily system needs to function very well to support good health. So, it is crucial to take small vein disease seriously and seek Cincinnati vein treatment. (View some of our Before & After results here.)

Why Proper Blood Flow and Blood Vessel Function are Essential for Good Health

Small blood vessel disease, sometimes called small vein disease, is a problem that affects your blood circulation. Blood flow (circulation) is the process that brings essential nutrients and oxygen to all parts of your body. Therefore, your blood carries the “necessities of life” to each cell in the body. As your body’s cells naturally die, they must be replaced with fresh cells to maintain life. Your cells cannot grow and reproduce (or stay alive) without the nutrients in your blood. Once the cells are fed, your vascular system (your veins specifically) has another role; to return to the heart and lungs for more nutrients and oxygen to distribute throughout the body. As you can imagine, any interruption in this process (like small vein disease) can be serious.

Get Proper Diagnosis to Guide Treatment

Small vein disease typically means superficial, non-serious, visible spider veins. However, it can be confused with the more serious small vessel disease (SVD). Serious small vessel disease (which can cause blockages leading to stroke or heart attack) is not visible in the skin, as spider veins are. The same patient can have both serious and superficial conditions.

How Our Vein Doctors Treat Small Vein Disease

Doctors at our Cincinnati vein treatment clinic quickly diagnose and isolate the root of your vein problems. The variety of minimally invasive vein treatments we offer allows our team to design treatment programs that address all types of vein conditions. Many people have more than one vein issue, for instance, spider veins plus bulging veins, requiring varicose vein treatment, in their lifetime–so our personalized treatment approach is essential. Some vein disease is visible to the naked eye, like bulging varicose veins. Some vein problems produce symptoms like swelling or leg pain. Still, many more serious vein conditions produce no visible signs or painful symptoms until they are advanced. That’s why a convenient trip to your vein center is important. As you can see from our Before & After photos, our vascular specialists are experts at restoring blood flow and helping maintain a healthy vascular system. If you see bulging or discolored veins, have leg pain or numbness or have never had a vascular exam–now is the time. Make an appointment with Vascular & Interventional Associates, your trusted Cincinnati vein center, for diagnosis of small vein disease or other issues. Please contact us today.

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