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Lesser-Known Remedies for Restless Leg Syndrome

Lesser-Known Remedies for Restless Leg Syndrome

As researchers continue to try and understand restless leg syndrome (RLS), new treatment options emerge. Today, you have a wide variety of options you can explore to find relief from your symptoms and get a better night’s sleep. 

In fact, our team helps with precisely that at Vascular & Interventional Associates in Crestview Hills, Kentucky. We offer personalized treatment for restless legs to patients throughout northern Kentucky and the Cincinnati, Ohio, area.

In many cases, that means combining medication with lifestyle changes. Here are a few of the lesser-known remedies we may recommend for you: 

1. Getting your vitamins

Studies have linked restless leg syndrome to a deficiency in what your body needs. Specifically, being low in iron and vitamin D can contribute to this syndrome and its sleep-robbing symptoms. 

When you visit our team at Vascular & Interventional Associates, we ask you about your diet. This helps us pinpoint if a nutrient deficiency might be contributing to your RLS. If so, getting relief could be as easy as taking a vitamin or two. 

2. Getting more exercise

What you do during the day can affect how your legs feel at night. Specifically, getting 30-60 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise on a regular basis can help ease your symptoms. 

The key here is to get moving without pushing your body too hard because intense exercise can aggravate your symptoms. Find something you enjoy that gets your body moving but doesn’t feel overly challenging. Some ideas you can explore include:

If you want help coming up with other ideas for moderate-intensity exercise that could improve your RLS symptoms, talk to our team. We can work with you to find something you enjoy enough that it doesn’t feel like a grind to stick with it. 

3. Getting into a warm bath

A soothing nighttime routine doesn’t just help you drift off to sleep more easily. It can also help you stay asleep by moderating your symptoms of RLS. 

Heat can soothe your restless legs, and a bath gives you an easy way to apply it. Try to spend around 20 minutes in the tub for optimal results. You can also try massaging your legs after the bath to get further relief. 

If you have access to a hot tub, that’s also an option. Either way, choose to take your soak shortly before bed to support a good night’s rest. 

These are just a few of the lesser-known remedies for RLS. To have a team of experts customize a treatment plan specifically for you, don’t hesitate to call our office or request an appointment online today.

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