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Questions To Ask Your Varicose Vein Doctor

Whether your varicose veins are just a cosmetic concern or are causing you physical symptoms, a varicose vein doctor can help you better understand the condition and the types of treatments available for it. Once you’ve made an appointment to see a vein doctor, going into your consultation with a list of questions to ask can help you get the most out of it and the most out of your treatment.

What to Ask Your Varicose Vein Doctor

What Causes Varicose Veins and What Makes Them Worse?

A variety of things can cause varicose veins, from your weight to your genes. Understanding the external factors, such as standing or sitting for long periods of time, that can make varicose veins worse can help you make adjustments to your habits to keep your veins from spreading.

What Can I Do About Them At Home?

Some people can see an improvement in their varicose veins by  making certain lifestyle changes. Your varicose vein doctor might recommend losing weight, trying to move or exercise more, or wearing compression stockings to help keep your varicose veins from becoming worse.

What Happens If I Don’t Treat the Veins?

For plenty of people, varicose veins are just a cosmetic concerns. They look unsightly, but don’t cause any major medical problems. Still, it’s worth knowing about any potential complications that can occur if you don’t treat the veins. Your doctor will let you know about issues or complications that can develop, such as ulcers or bleeding and will give you advice about what to do if you do have any problems.

Which Treatments Do You Offer?

A wide range of varicose vein treatments are available these days. Not every vein clinic offers every treatment, though, so it is important to learn which ones your doctor performs and which one is best for you. For example, if you have smaller varicose veins or spider veins, sclerotherapy might be recommended. Larger veins are often treatment with ambulatory phlebectomy or ELVT. Each treatment offers a variety of pros and cons, so you want to get a full idea of what you can expect during and afterwards before you decide on a treatment option.

Do Insurance Cover Treatment?

Varicose vein treatment can get pricey, especially if your doctor doesn’t take your insurance or recommends a procedure that most insurance plans don’t cover. Ask which treatments are usually covered before you agree to work with a doctor. If your doctor recommends a treatment that isn’t usually covered by insurance, find out why and if there are other options for you to consider. Vascular & Interventional Associates is leading vein clinic in the Cincinnati area. To learn more about our doctors and treatment options, call 859-286-7333 to book a consultation today.

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