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What Are Spider Veins?

Spider veins are so named because they resemble spider webs, but these webs appear in colors such as purple or red. Spider veins typically appear on your face or legs. You may notice spider veins on your cheeks or around your nose, just under the skin. They can also appear on the chest and other body areas. The annoying and unsightly veins are medically known as telangiectasias and sometimes referred to as broken capillaries, because they affect your body’s smallest blood vessels. The capillaries are dilated or filled up with pooled blood. Spider veins are a common reason patients seek quick and effective assistance at our vein center. Our Northern Kentucky vascular specialists can destroy and banish your spider veins during a quick in-office treatment session. Follow-up treatments are often required, because those who are prone to getting spider veins may continue to develop new ones.

What Causes Spider Veins? Who Gets Them?

(* These causes are all related to extra physical pressure placed on veins, which can cut off circulation and makes veins vulnerable to blood pooling. These causes are somewhat under your control. Healthy eating and lifestyle changes can help avoid future spider veins.)

Symptoms of Spider Veins

Most people have only minor symptoms from spider veins or may only be annoyed about the appearance. Some people also notice physical discomfort like the following, especially if they also have varicose veins or other vein disease:

Treatment Options for Spider veins in Cincinnati, OH

Get Help for Spider Veins at Our Vein Center in Northern Kentucky

Now that you know the answer to the burning question, “what are spider veins?” be sure to visit our vein doctors soon. At VIA Vein Center, (Vascular & Interventional Associates Vein Center) we’re the only comprehensive vein center in the Cincinnati, OH and Northern Kentucky areas, treating spider veins, varicose veins and other vein disease. To get rid of your spider veins quickly, call us at 859-286-7333 today!

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