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What Happens If Varicose Veins Go Untreated?

Over 22 million women and 11 million men between 40 and 80 years old in the U.S. have varicose veins. There are numerous adverse consequences when you don’t treat this condition and each person will vary in how severe their complications are depending on their circumstances. When treated with varicose vein surgery or procedures patients can see very real differences before & after.

Complications of Untreated Varicose Vein Problems

A few complications of not treating your vein issue are:

Blood Clots

Blood pooling in your varicose vein can result in stagnant blood flow which causes your blood to clot in the inadequate vein. Blood clots can travel to other areas of your body and block the flow of blood leading to severe medical issues.

Poor Circulation in Legs

Varicose veins aren’t just a cosmetic skin blemish where your veins stick out.  It means your veins are having problems circulating your blood through your body, causing your feet and legs to be bothersome at times. If you start feeling exceptionally tired when you perform everyday activities or if your feet and legs start throbbing after physical exertion, it could indicate a problem with circulation. Treating your vein problem or having the severely damaged veins removed through vein surgery can improve circulation.

Discomfort and Pain in the Legs

Swelling veins can lead to leg pain as your blood tries traveling through your damaged blood vessels. Your feet or legs could:

You could even suffer from restless legs where you can’t keep your legs still when trying to relax.


Because swelling veins are typically inflamed, they frequently press up against your skin which leaves them more vulnerable to cuts. As a result, individuals with a varicose vein problem may frequently bleed extensively from fairly minor injuries. And, until the swelling subsides, this heightened risk remains.

Leg Swelling

As vein pressure builds up, they could leak into your body’s surrounding tissues, resulting in swelling. Your skin becomes tighter, becoming more impressionable to the touch. Your legs may become extremely painful.

With severe swelling, your skin may start leaking and oozing fluid from your legs. Your skin could also become discolored and hard, indicating a real issue under your skin. It’s at this point you’ll need to see your doctor to receive treatment immediately — you may even be hospitalized.

More advanced health issues caused by this untreated vein problem are:

If you’re not sure how severe your varicose veins are, you’ll want to see Cincinnati vein treatment specialist who can determine the severity and tailor a varicose vein treatment plan for you.

Contact us at the Vascular & Interventional Associates Vein Center to learn more. Call 859-286-7333 or complete our online form.

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