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What Is Small Vein Disease?

Spider veins are sometimes referred to as telangiectasia, broken capillaries, or small vein disease. Just because these blood vessels are small doesn’t make them unimportant. Spider veins (small vein disease) and varicose veins often occur in the same person and can signal even greater circulatory problems. Typically, however, this vein disease is only superficial and may look unsightly. Many patients need both spider vein and varicose vein treatment, which can often be done on the same visit.

Small Vein Disease vs. Small Vessel Disease

It’s important to know the distinction between our topic today, small "vein" disease (superficial spider veins) and the more serious condition of small "vessel" disease or SVD. SVD (small "vessel" disease) is caused by hardened arteries, and can cause Emergency situations, like trouble breathing, chest pains, heart attacks or strokes. SVD is caused primarily by high cholesterol levels in the blood, aging and other factors. The serious small “vessel” disease (SVD) is different from the superficial small “vein” disease (spider veins) that we’re discussing in this post, below.

What Causes Small Vein Disease (Spider Veins)?

Spider veins are caused by some of the same factors that cause more-serious vein disease and varicose veins. Spider veins require similar Cincinnati vein treatmentSpider veins typically appear in the face (cheeks, nose) and chest area, but can be anywhere on the body. Varicose veins are typically in the body, most noticeable in the legs.

Just because you notice spider veins under your skin, does not mean you definitely have other vein problems, such as varicose veins. (See our Before & After gallery.) Since the vein diseases often occur in the same person, however, visiting your vein doctor for proper diagnosis is essential. Spider vein’s major causes include a combination of things you have control over and can change–and some things you cannot control:

Treating Spider Veins

Your vein doctor offers minimally-invasive Cincinnati vein treatment for all types of vein disease. Spider veins (telangiectasia, sometimes called small vein disease) often return throughout life—so quick re-treatment may be needed in future. The most common small vein (spider vein) treatments are sclerotherapy (injected) or a laser procedure. We typically prefer using sclerotherapy because it is better at reaching the feeder veins (reticular veins) that literally feed/cause new spider veins. We may also use sclerotherapy for varicose vein treatment that restores healthy blood flow. 

Get Treatment for Vein Disease in Crestview Hills, KY

When you notice visible spider veins (small vein disease) or varicose veins, make a convenient appointment at our vein clinic for proper diagnosis and effective treatment, as seen in our Before & After photos. Also, if you have leg pain, tingling or other symptoms of low blood flow that concern you, please come to see us. Most of our treatments require no recovery period, and you can go on with your day quickly. Contact us at Northern Kentucky and Cincinnati’s most advanced vein center, VIA Vein Center, today.

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