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Which Varicose Vein Treatment Is Right for Me?

Varicose veins — swollen, twisted, visible veins on the surface of your skin — are a common problem. These veins often appear on your lower legs, bringing with them two problems: high visibility and discomfort. At least one in four adults has varicose veins, so it’s no surprise that so many people are looking for effective treatment.

You can find it at Vascular & Interventional Associates serving the areas of Northern Kentucky and Cincinnati, OH. Our team of vascular experts is here to help you determine the best varicose vein treatment for you. At our office, we offer four different ways to get rid of varicose veins. Here, we’ve created a quick overview of each.

Your varicose vein treatment options

Each of our effective treatments involves closing off the vein in some way, which allows your body to redirect your blood flow to other, healthy veins. This alleviates any discomfort caused by the varicose vein. Once the vein no longer has blood flow, your body slowly absorbs it, making it less visible.

All of our treatments are performed under local anesthetic so you stay completely comfortable during the procedure and have minimal downtime afterward. 

Endovenous laser ablation

This treatment uses an ultrasound-guided laser fiber, which we insert through a small incision into the affected vein. The laser precisely heats the inside of your varicose vein, which causes it to close off.

Radiofrequency ablation

Similar to laser ablation, this treatment uses radiofrequency rather than laser energy to heat and seal the vein. There are some distinct differences between radiofrequency and laser ablation, however. Your Vascular & Interventional Associates provider can discuss them with you and help you determine which treatment is best for you. 


An ultrasound-guided injection of a specialized foam — Varithena®️ — causes your vein walls to stick together. Following the injection, you wear a pressure bandage on the area, which helps the varicose vein seal shut so your body can redirect blood flow to healthy veins and minimize the appearance of the bulging vein.

This treatment works well for veins that are too deep for laser or radiofrequency ablation. 


In some cases, your varicose vein can be best treated by removing it. In these instances, we recommend a microphlebectomy. During this treatment, we use a very small incision to remove the varicose vein from your leg.

We can answer your varicose vein questions

Ultimately, you have several options for addressing unsightly and unhealthy varicose veins. To further explore our treatment methods and to find out which is best for you, call Vascular & Interventional Associates or book your appointment with us online today.

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