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The prostate is a key part of the male reproductive system. It can also become a problem, especially as time ticks on. When a man is 20, his prostate is usually about the size of a walnut. By age 60, it might be as big as a lemon. While this...
Sciatica can be a nuisance, or it can be debilitating. This type of pain might be localized to your lower back, or it might radiate down one of your legs. You might feel tingling, numbness, and muscle weakness along with the discomfort, too. All told, you don’t want to live...
Whether you have an internal or external hemorrhoid, that swollen vein can become a problem fast. From the itching and discomfort to the pain and bleeding that hemorrhoids can cause, you probably want to get it dealt with as quickly as possible. That doesn’t mean you should go straight to...
Your prostate plays a key role in your ability to create semen. But that’s not the only way it might affect your life. Many men experience urinary changes as they get older because of this gland. By age 51, you have a 50% chance of experiencing benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH),...
October doesn’t just mean it’s time to pull out the Halloween decorations. It’s also an important time to commemorate a specific condition: It’s Liver Cancer Awareness Month. As a team that specializes in treating liver cancer, we don’t want to miss this opportunity to encourage people to get screened. Just...
Some people have trouble sitting still. But in certain instances, the issue lies less with a person’s personality and more with the state of their physical body. Specifically, if you have a condition called restless legs syndrome (RLS), you might feel a nearly uncontrollable urge to move your legs. They...
When most people think of an ultrasound, their minds go to pregnancies. For nearly 70 years, ultrasound imaging has allowed doctors and pregnant women to see fetuses as they grow. But ultrasounds have uses that extend well beyond obstetrics. Because this type of imaging test shows the structures inside your...
The menstrual cycle often comes with uncomfortable symptoms. But if you have heavy bleeding, lengthy periods, bleeding between periods, or excessive pelvic pain, you might be experiencing something different. Fibroids in your uterus can contribute to all of those issues. That’s why our specialists offer treatment for uterine fibroids at...
Because your legs are in the lower part of your body, they have to contend with gravity when it comes to circulation. Extended bouts of standing or sitting allows gravity to pull fluid downward. The fluid buildup can cause our legs to swell. In many cases, this issue corrects itself...
Plenty of people deal with leg swelling at some point. Sitting or standing for too long can lead to this issue, as can pregnancy, medications like ibuprofen, and a range of other causes. That doesn’t mean you should dismiss leg swelling as normal, though. That’s because swelling in your legs...
When most people try to picture problem veins, they usually imagine twisting, bulging varicose veins in the legs. But your legs aren’t the only part of your body where the valves that control blood flow through the vein can fail. You can come up against a similar problem in your...
As men age, their likelihood of dealing with an enlarged prostate increases. Fortunately, knowing what to expect with this condition — and how to address it if symptoms become problematic — goes a long way. At Vascular & Interventional Associates in Crestview Hills, Kentucky, we’re here to help with precisely...
Sciatic nerve pain is extremely common. In fact, at some point in their lives, around 40% of Americans will deal with sciatica, a nerve issue that causes discomfort in the lower back and shooting pain down one or both legs. Fortunately, lifestyle changes can often help. At Vascular & Interventional...
Your adult body contains more than 60,000 miles of blood vessels. That gives your vascular system plenty of pathways to circulate blood, oxygen, and nutrients throughout your body. That’s good news when you have varicose veins. Because your body has so many other routes it can use, you don’t necessarily...
Even though researchers have been studying restless leg syndrome (RLS) for decades, they still don’t know exactly what causes this uncomfortable condition. Experts believe a wide range of factors — from your genetic makeup to your levels of certain nutrients — play a role. While you can’t control your genes,...
The veins running inside your body are continually at work, carrying blood throughout your system. That’s no small feat. It’s no surprise, then, that some veins can run into issues over time. Spider veins are an example of that. These small veins become visible because they aren’t working the way...
Back pain is so common that most people will deal with it at some point during their life. That doesn’t mean there’s a one-size-fits-all solution to the discomfort, however. Easing your back pain starts with finding out what’s causing it, particularly when you weren’t aware of a specific injury...
As your largest limbs, you might notice the weight of your legs from time to time. That’s particularly true if you’ve been exerting them. If your legs feel heavy after a long run or a bunch of squats and lunges, for example, that’s perfectly normal. If your legs feel weighty...
When you think about an enlarged prostate, you probably imagine a man in his 50s or older. But this issue can crop up much sooner than most people expect. In fact, it’s not uncommon to deal with a larger-than-normal prostate gland in your 30s. If you’ve been dealing with symptoms such...
As researchers continue to try and understand restless leg syndrome (RLS), new treatment options emerge. Today, you have a wide variety of options you can explore to find relief from your symptoms and get a better night’s sleep. In fact, our team helps with precisely that at Vascular & Interventional...
When it comes to fibroids, fibrous tumors that develop in or on the uterus, there’s mixed news. The good news: They’re almost always benign (noncancerous) growths, and they may not cause symptoms at all. The bad news: For some women, they can cause a feeling of heaviness and bloating along with...
Spider veins come with good news and bad news. The good news? They’re usually harmless. Most people have these visible veins with no other symptoms. The bad news? Once you get them, they affect the appearance of your skin. Many people find them embarrassing or distracting and do what they...
Your body has several important systems, including the vascular system. This network of blood vessels, arteries, and capillaries allows blood and lymphatic fluid to circulate through your body, literally keeping you alive. Without a healthy vascular system, you’re in trouble. That’s why our expert providers here at Vascular & Interventional...
If you’ve ever sat for a long period of time — like a lengthy flight or drive — and then looked down at your legs, you might have noticed something. After such inactivity, your legs might look bigger than usual. You might dismiss the swelling. Keep an eye on your legs,...
Your kidneys are fairly small. Plus, you have two of them but you only need one to live. Knowing this, you might think that kidney conditions aren’t a big deal. In truth, your kidneys play a huge role in your body. You rely on these fist-sized organs to process out...
There are several different types of arterial diseases — conditions that affect the blood vessels throughout your body. You may be more familiar with specific varieties like coronary artery disease, but it’s not just the blood vessels around your heart that can run into trouble. You can also have problems with the...
You have sciatic nerves that run down both legs. If either of these nerves gets pinched, pain can occur anywhere along the nerve. And that means that people living with sciatica usually have low back pain and discomfort that radiates down the leg. As it turns out, quite a few...
After eight years of suffering with the effects of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) – or an enlarged prostate – Paul, 71, started searching for a permanent solution. “My prostate was super large,” he says. “So large that I wasn’t a good candidate for the mostcommon solutions to BPH.” He turned...
Sleep is a critical part of feeling good. Anyone living with restless leg syndrome (RLS) — which commonly strikes at night and makes sleep a challenge — knows that all too well. Ultimately, if you have RLS, you probably want to figure out how to soothe your symptoms and get...
You might already be aware that your scrotum works hard to regulate testicular temperature. And you may also know that temperature regulation plays a role in your sperm quality. In fact, if you’re dealing with infertility, this is an issue well worth looking into. Here at Vascular & Interventional Associates, our expert...
Your legs are under a lot of pressure — literally. Over time, this can catch up with you in the form of blood clots in your legs. While these clots can develop for a number of reasons, it’s important to diagnose them and get proper treatment. Doing so restores normal blood...
Everyone has veins. You might think, then, that they wouldn’t be something to be embarrassed about. But if you have cord-like veins bulging from your legs, you know it’s a different story. Highly visible varicose veins might have you avoiding certain clothing options or activities that involve shorts or swimsuits. If you...
Your body has blood vessels of different sizes. You might think the smallest — your capillaries — would be the ones to worry about the least, but they can cause a specific type of problem. When these networks of small veins become visible under the surface of your skin, they’re...
Most men will have an enlarged prostate at some point. In fact, if you live long enough, it’s a guarantee. This usually starts out relatively unproblematic, but issues can crop up as your prostate grows. You might wonder if you need to have your prostate removed. Here at Vascular & Interventional Associates,...
After you get cut, you want your blood to clot. That mechanism can quite literally save your life. But your blood’s ability to clump up and stop flowing can become a problem if it happens in the wrong area. Specifically, if you develop a blood clot in one of the...
Sleep matters. Getting ample, good-quality rest helps you stay productive during the day, lets your body take care of crucial processes, and boosts your physical and mental health. On the flip side, not sleeping well can lead to issues like heart problems, weight gain, depression, and a weaker immune system....
The older you get, the more you think about prostate health. In fact, even if your prostate never poses a threat to your overall well-being, there’s a good chance you’ll have to deal with prostate changes through the years. By the time men reach their 80s, about 80% of them...
Back pain is an extremely common problem. Fortunately, that means medical researchers continually explore new treatment options. What used to be considered untreatable pain can now be effectively managed with the options available today. Here at Vascular & Interventional Associates, our providers offer convenient access to leading-edge back pain treatments...
For decades, researchers have sought to understand what causes restless legs syndrome (RLS). They’ve made significant progress, although a precise cause has yet to be pinpointed. Certain factors heighten your likelihood of dealing with RLS, including your genetic makeup, your dopamine levels, and your iron levels. As restless legs specialists...
Spider veins are aptly named. These small veins create a noticeable web on the surface of your skin. They might be red, purple, or another color, but at the end of the day, the main takeaway is that they’re visible. This might not matter if you have your spider veins...
When you think about problem veins, you probably think primarily about varicose veins in the legs. But enlarged veins that aren’t working as they should can also affect your pelvis. There, they can lead to serious symptoms like persistent pain, bladder issues, and more. If you’re living with ongoing pain...
Sleep matters. Your body needs it to recover and fight common conditions like heart disease, plus a good night’s rest helps you to focus and feel your best. That’s why restless legs syndrome (RLS) can be so problematic. If your legs are uncomfortable whenever you lie down, sleep can be...
Uterine fibroids affect many women. As many as 80% of women will get a fibroid by the time they turn 50, although it’s difficult to pinpoint a precise percentage because some fibroids go completely unnoticed. Most fibroids are benign, meaning they’re not directly dangerous to your health, and many don’t...
You know that your veins play a critical role in your body. But when you have bulging, visible, and sometimes even painful veins, you’ve probably wished you could just get rid of them. You might have even wondered if those veins could be dangerous for your overall health. Don’t worry....
By the time a man turns 85, he has a 90% chance of living with an enlarged prostate. In most cases, the issue is caused by benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), so it doesn’t increase your cancer risk. But it can still cause symptoms that interfere with your quality of life....
Your liver is the largest solid organ in your body. It also plays several important roles, including helping your body get rid of toxins, maintain your metabolism, and fight infection. As a critical part of your body, you want to do what you can to keep your liver healthy. Fortunately,...
Testicular diseases aren’t particularly common, but catching them early can make all the difference. While you don’t need to be overly worried about your testicle health, you should be vigilant about performing self-exams and watching for certain symptoms. Here at Vascular & Interventional Associates in Crestview Hills, Kentucky, our team...
Uterine fibroids are extremely common. In fact, roughly 40% of women 35 and over have at least one fibroid. By the time they turn 50, as many as 80% of women will have a fibroid. In many cases, the fibroid stays so small that you never even know you have...
If you look in the toilet bowl and see pink or red, you’re probably at least a little concerned. It’s always unsettling to discover blood in your urine. While blood in your urine could be caused by a simple infection, it’s important to talk to a doctor if you spot...
By placing a filter in the large vein that carries blood from the lower half of your body up to your heart for reoxygenation, medical professionals can stop blood clots from moving along that vein. A filter in your inferior vena cava (IVC) can save your life by preventing a...
Many women have fibroids and never know it. In fact, as many as 70% of women will get fibroids at some point in their life. But while some uterine fibroids come with no symptoms at all, others cause pain and inconvenient symptoms like frequent urination. If you have symptom-causing fibroids...
Varicose veins — swollen, twisted, visible veins on the surface of your skin — are a common problem. These veins often appear on your lower legs, bringing with them two problems: high visibility and discomfort. At least one in four adults has varicose veins, so it’s no surprise that so...
Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is the most common noncancerous tumor in men. But just because it’s noncancerous doesn’t mean that it can’t cause problems. This enlargement of the prostate gland is common in men as they age and leads to unwelcome urinary symptoms for many. Fortunately, our team at Vascular...
If a creeping, throbbing, or aching feeling disturbs you while you’re relaxing, it can be hard to get the rest you need. This is the plight of people with restless legs syndrome (RLS). Those with this condition regularly feel discomfort in their legs. Moving their legs eases that sensation —...
If you have visible, raised veins on your legs, you’re probably living with varicose veins. These twisted, enlarged veins aren’t just problematic because they affect the appearance of your legs. They can also cause discomfort and contribute to more serious health problems. Fortunately, at Vascular & Interventional Associates in Crestview...
Nearly two in five Americans will experience venous insufficiency at some point in their lives. Venous insufficiency happens when the one-way valves in a vein stop working, and the flow of blood becomes sluggish. Blood pools up behind the valve, and the vein swells, becoming visible and standing up from...
Could varicose veins be the cause of your restless legs syndrome? Several scientific studies suggest they could be. The symptoms of varicose veins and restless legs syndrome (RLS) are so similar that medical researchers have investigated whether the two conditions are connected. Given that both disorders cause painful itching and...
Thinking about varicose vein treatment? There are several viable treatment options you can choose. Once you’ve made the decision to treat your varicose veins, the next step is choosing the treatment method. Luckily, modern varicose vein therapies have advanced greatly from previous years, when your only choice was extensive vein...
Spa treatments, including massages and hot tubs, can be dangerous for people with varicose veins. Learn the risks so you can stay safe. Everyone deserves the opportunity to unwind and relax, but the unfortunate reality is that plenty of classic spa treatments like the sauna or massage aren’t always safe...
A healthy diet can help you reduce any discomfort associated with your varicose veins. Numerous factors contribute to the formation of varicose veins. Heredity, lifestyle, pregnancy, gender, and age all rank as major contributors to the visible, raised veins on the legs and feet. But did you know the food you...
Today’s varicose vein treatments are virtually painless. So why are you delaying treatment? Is it time to finally treat your varicose veins? Only you can make that decision, but if the bulging veins on your legs or ankles are painful, you should explore your treatment options. Luckily, there are several...
Could your varicose veins be causing your restless legs syndrome? Several studies say there is a connection between the two conditions. Restless legs syndrome (RLS) keeps between 7% to 10% of the U.S. population wide awake each night. The frustrating condition causes involuntary jerks and “crawling” sensations in the lower limbs; in...
As you pack your bags for your summer vacation, keep these important vein health tips in mind. Summer is peak travel time, as we take advantage of the warmer months to explore faraway destinations. Yet as we board planes, trains, and cars to trek to those places this summer, it’s important...
Essential oils and other at-home remedies for varicose veins may reduce symptoms for a time, but these potions are not a cure. Essential oils and other herbal remedies promise to rid sufferers of varicose veins, but do they really work? While these concoctions provide a degree of temporary relief from the...
Don’t let varicose veins stand in the way of your summer plans. Here’s how to safely enjoy the sun and heat. Summer is quickly approaching, and many people are excited to wear shorts or skirts, participate in outdoor activities, and sunbathe. But patients with varicose veins may have good reason...
Varicose vein surgery is one of the most common types of surgery performed in the U.S., helping men and women relieve the uncomfortable symptoms of varicose veins while improving their circulatory health at the same time. Today, most varicose vein treatment is performed on an outpatient basis, which means you’ll go home...
Everyone knows getting regular exercise is one of the wisest moves you can make to improve your health, no matter how old you are or what type of life you lead. Exercise is important for losing excess weight, lowering cholesterol, and improving circulation and heart health, and it can even...
Most varicose vein treatments don’t require much downtime. In fact, walking a bit right away, and exercising daily, is typically recommended. This level of exercise will help get your circulation back to normal, speed healing and help prevent blood clots. How Your Body Heals After varicose vein procedures, your body...
Varicose veins are very common, and more likely to occur in women. Besides gender, there are a number of possible risk factors that can make varicose vein problems happen. Most often, a combination of causes is at work, causing a person to develop issues requiring varicose vein treatment–and some causes are out of...
Receiving treatment for varicose veins is important for good health, but can also be an issue of looking and feeling the way you want. With that in mind, one of the options many people choose is laser vein treatment. If this is the option you select for your Cincinnati vein treatment,...
Varicose veins are thick, twisted veins that appear on the surface of the skin. These unsightly veins typically appear on the back of a person’s lower leg. But why does a varicose vein appear at all? Why Does a Varicose Vein Develop? A varicose vein will appear as the result...
Over 22 million women and 11 million men between 40 and 80 years old in the U.S. have varicose veins. There are numerous adverse consequences when you don’t treat this condition and each person will vary in how severe their complications are depending on their circumstances. When treated with varicose vein...
Preparing for laser vein treatment is important, even if it doesn’t seem like that much of a concern. While it’s generally considered a minimally invasive option for treating varicose and spider veins, it’s still a medical procedure that has benefits and risks associated with it. When considering Cincinnati vein treatment, asking...
Every bruise can be seen as a vein bruise, so yes—you can and do get vein bruising throughout your life. Your vein bruises can occur due to injury, due to varicose veins and even from medical care, like Cincinnati vein treatment. Here’s how bruises and veins are related. Definition of a Bruise...
Varicose veins occur when the tiny valves in your veins stop working the way they’re supposed to, interfering with normal circulation. Since exercise can help improve circulation, it makes sense that exercise – at least some types – can be beneficial for improving your vein health. In fact, being physically...
We all get bruises when we bump into something or fall down. Often, we may not remember exactly where a bruise came from. If you suffer from bulging or discolored varicose veins, you may get bruises more easily in that area. That’s because bruising, sometimes called vein bruising, is part of the body’s healing...
When you’re seeking the ideal varicose vein treatment to help your legs feel and look better, you have many state-of-the-art options. But which is right for you, specifically? As you might imagine, there is no single right answer when selecting the best vein care method for your needs. In some cases, you may need a...
Where did that bruise come from? If you find multiple bruises on your body, but don’t recall bumping into anything, you may naturally become concerned. Here, we’ll discuss what the cause of your bruising might be, so that you can get the right type of care at our Cincinnati vein treatment clinic....
Varicose vein treatment has become safer and simpler during the past decades, yet many people still hesitate to have treatment, often because they’re concerned about the possible complications of risks associated with the procedures. The good news is, varicose vein treatment risks are few, and most side effects are minimal...
Bruising tends to look worse than it is, and its appearance changes over time. Bruises are part of your body’s natural response to injury and healing process. Let’s look at the normal course of bruising after laser vein treatment, so you can watch for anything out of the ordinary and get proper...
Vein stripping may sound intimidating, but the once-complex treatment has come a long way since it was first invented more than two thousand years ago. These days, our vein surgeons can treat varicose veins using minimally invasive, microsurgery techniques. The advanced varicose vein treatment technique, called ambulatory phlebectomy, has turned...
Pregnancy is an exciting time, but that doesn’t mean it’s a time free from aches, pains and other “side effects” that can cause discomfort or concern. Most moms-to-be know all about morning sickness, backache and stretch marks, and varicose veins in the legs and feet usually aren’t a big surprise...
If you have issues with varicose veins, you are not alone. The American Society for Vascular Surgery says that at least 20 to 25 million Americans have this vein problem. Varicose veins can be unsightly and sometimes problematic. Fortunately, varicose vein treatment can reduce the appearance of varicose veins and any issues they may...
No doubt about it: The foods we eat have a huge influence on our health – and on every part of the body, including our veins and arteries. In fact, it’s those veins and arteries that carry all the essential nutrients to our organs and tissues – so it just...
Today, there are plenty of minimally-invasive options available for varicose vein treatment, including ambulatory phlebectomy, laser vein treatment and radiofrequency ablation. The good news: All of these treatments can be exceptionally effective in getting rid of damaged varicose veins. Most patients experience relief from their painful varicose vein symptoms within a...
Varicose veins aren’t just ugly. They can also cause symptoms like pain, persistent aching, heaviness, and fatigue. What’s more, because varicose veins are damaged and malfunctioning, they can also interfere with normal circulation. That means even if your veins aren’t causing noticeable symptoms like pain or fatigue, they should still...
Ambulatory phlebectomy is one of the most common varicose vein treatment options, and it has a long history of success. At our Cincinnati vein treatment center, we offer ambulatory phlebectomy using the most advanced techniques and technology to help men and women get rid of ugly varicose veins and the symptoms they...
Nasal spider veins are very common and rarely disappear on their own. One exception is pregnancy-related spider veins (usually on lower legs, however) that can disappear after a few months. Here’s why spider veins are so persistent: Spider Veins are Delicate and Exposed The capillaries that become spider veins are...
Unlike some medical problems, small vessel disease isn’t hiding behind hard-to-pronounce medical terms. Still, you’ll need some background information to understand the true meaning of this diagnosis and protect your health. The vessels we’re talking about are your blood vessels, your vascular or circulatory system, that runs all throughout your...
A specific variety of varicose veins, spider veins get their name from their cobweb-like appearance. Anyone who has suffered from spider veins knows that this condition is always unsightly and often painful. Spider Veins Understood The result of intravenous trauma or damage, spider veins arise as a result of vein...
So much focus is placed on raising awareness about how heart disease can damage the veins around near the heart that a very similar problem is often overlooked or ignored. Small vein disease in the brain, or cerebral small vessel disease (SVD) as it is called, is a vascular disease...
Spider veins are sometimes referred to as telangiectasia, broken capillaries, or small vein disease. Just because these blood vessels are small doesn’t make them unimportant. Spider veins (small vein disease) and varicose veins often occur in the same person and can signal even greater circulatory problems. Typically, however, this vein...
Many patients at our Cincinnati vein treatment center are concerned about spider veins and bruises. They also wonder if these two things are linked. Tiny spider veins are sometimes called broken capillaries, and they are in fact broken, abnormal veins. Usually the biggest problem associated with spider veins is unsightliness. This is especially true...
For the most part, you can’t prevent all varicose veins from forming. But you can reduce your risk of developing varicose veins and you can lessen the worsening of existing varicose veins. Below are a few varicose vein preventions tips for you to implement. Varicose Vein Prevention Tips 1) Avoid sitting...
Varicose veins have a variety of causes and risk factors, and one is heredity. If varicose veins run in your family, you may not be able to avoid them entirely. Still there are many lifestyle habits that you can develop to prevent or lessen the chances that you will get...
Pregnant women are at high risk of developing varicose veins due to several factors including an increase in blood volume, a decrease in blood flow rate, pressure on the vena cava from the uterus, and hormonal changes that dilate the vessels. All of these factors come together to promote the development of bulging,...
Laser vein treatment uses the power of light energy to remove the appearance of varicose veins. If you have ever had this type of vein treatment, then you know there is a significant difference before & after treatment after laser therapy from a Cincinnati vein treatment clinic. Varicose veins are diseased blood vessels, in...
After undergoing treatment for spider and varicose veins you may be eager to resume your regular day-to-day exercise routine. However, depending upon what type of procedure you had done at the Cincinnati vein treatment center, you may need to wait before exercising. We will explore when you can expect to resume exercising...
Varicose veins and blood clots can be related, but not always. If you are prone to getting varicose veins, you may also be vulnerable to other, more serious vein problems, including blood clots. The only way to determine the extent of any vein problem is with a visit to your...
Varicose veins and spider veins aren’t just ugly; they can also be a sign of serious underlying vascular problems that can take a toll on your health. The good news is, there are advanced treatment options that can help eliminate those ugly, uncomfortable veins, so you look better and feel...
While nonsurgical treatment options are often preferred for patients seeking spider vein or varicose vein treatment, sometimes surgery is the best, or only, an option available. Understanding how leg vein removal works can help you determine if surgical varicose vein or spider vein treatment is right for you. A Closer...
If you have varicose veins, you may struggle with embarrassment, as well as uncomfortable symptoms. Fortunately, effective treatment for varicose veins is available. One of the most common treatments recommended for people with varicose veins is endovenous laser ablation. What Is Endovenous Laser Ablation? Endovenous laser ablation is a minimally-invasive vein treatment option that treats...
Spider veins are an embarrassing problem that affects millions of people in the United States. Fortunately, effective treatments for this condition are available. Below is some information to help you understand this condition and determine the right approach to spider vein treatment. What Are Spider Veins? Spider veins are small abnormal...
One fact difficult for varicose vein patients to face is that the venous insufficiency responsible for these abnormal vessels gets worse as time passes. The top priority of a vein doctor is avoiding a deep vein thrombosis by treating the underlying vascular problem that causes varicose vessels. The next is getting rid...
Not all types of vein disease are created equally. So it makes sense that not all types of vein treatment are the same. Whether sclerotherapy or another treatment for spider or varicose veins is right for you depends on the type of veins you have. Your vein doctor can help you decide...
Every year, millions of people are diagnosed with varicose veins, or twisted, swollen veins that are visible just below the surface of the skin. Varicose veins can leave you feeling self-conscious about your appearance and can also cause discomfort and medical issues. That’s why seeing a varicose vein doctor for the right...
When it comes to treating spider veins, the gold standard of therapy a vein specialist uses is sclerotherapy. This physician, who is often an interventional radiologist, can sometimes also utilize this procedure to treat small varicose veins. Understanding how doctors use this treatment often helps patients determine whether it is right for them....
Spider veins are so named because they resemble spider webs, but these webs appear in colors such as purple or red. Spider veins typically appear on your face or legs. You may notice spider veins on your cheeks or around your nose, just under the skin. They can also appear...
There are, unfortunately, many threats to healthy veins, but this does not mean vein disease is unavoidable. Vein problems are very common these days, and the more time you spend on this Earth, the more likely you are to develop varicose veins or other vein disease. Often, a number of...
You’ve long been bothered by the spider veins or varicose veins on your legs. You want to get treatment for them, but you don’t want to see any old doctor. You want to see a vein specialist or vein doctor. When you see a specialist, you are working with a doctor who...
Before recommending a treatment plan for a patient with spider or varicose veins, a physician needs an accurate picture of the extent of the problem. The use of vascular ultrasound at a vein clinic is extremely important in evaluating the exact condition of an individual with symptoms of vein disease. What is...
Vein disease is an incredibly common issue that affects millions of people across the country. When you suffer from vein disease, you may feel embarrassed of your appearance, and you may experience uncomfortable symptoms that impact your quality of life. Effective treatment for this condition is available from vein specialists....
Vascular problems in the legs range from a minor annoyance that is primarily cosmetic to more serious conditions like open ulcers. If you have spider veins, for example, they may not need treatment. However, varicose veins and leg ulcers are much more likely to need the services of a varicose vein...
Spider veins – the medical term is telangiectases or venulectases – don’t usually cause symptoms but their appearance bothers many people. This is particularly true when spider veins appear on the face. If you need spider vein treatment, your options are slightly different than if you need varicose vein treatment. Here’s...
You know you have a greater risk for sunburn in the summer, when you spend more time outdoors, and a greater risk for the cold and flu in the winter. But do the seasons have any effect on varicose veins? It might be the case that winter, with its cold weather,...
If you’re looking for spider vein treatment near McLean, VA, you’re going to want to learn about sclerotherapy. According to Medscape, it’s the primary treatment for both smaller varicose veins and for spider veins. There are a number of benefits to having the spider vein treatment performed, from boosting your self esteem...
Varicose vein treatment has come a long way over the years. From the compression techniques recommended by the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates (some still in use today) to major surgery called vein stripping, medicine has progressed to the technique known as ambulatory phlebectomy. Rather than a hospital, today’s treatments can...
EVLT sounds like it might be something out of a science fiction movie, but those initials actually stand for endovenous laser ablation. This relatively new varicose vein treatment is minimally invasive and the recovery time is much less than with conventional surgical procedures. Here are the basics on EVLT from Vascular Interventional...
Almost everybody knows someone with spider veins or small varicose veins. Patients who have noticed the appearance of small vessels on their legs, ankle, or face might have many questions about treatment options at a vein clinic. Sclerotherapy is the most commonly used treatment for these small vessels. How Sclerotherapy Works...
Leg pain, dry skin, itching, “heavy legs” – varicose veins have many symptoms in addition to unsightliness. But, most patients don’t realize that health insurance now frequently covers high tech therapies for treating this disease. Click to learn more in this Cincy Magazine article.
One of the many important questions individuals thinking about visiting a vein specialist have is how this physician diagnoses varicose veins. Understanding the basics of these unwanted blood vessels and what a diagnosis involves often helps put prospective patients at ease. Varicose Vein Overview The raised, ropelike appearance of varicose veins can...
Whether your varicose veins are just a cosmetic concern or are causing you physical symptoms, a varicose vein doctor can help you better understand the condition and the types of treatments available for it. Once you’ve made an appointment to see a vein doctor, going into your consultation with a list of...
Spider veins usually represent a cosmetic concern instead of a medical problem. For fair-skinned individuals, these small blue, red, or purple veins are very noticeable. Understanding spider vein treatment options helps alleviate the concerns prospective patients have about the difficulty of getting rid of these annoying blood vessels. Spider Vein Basics It’s...
Varicose veins are so common that many individuals wonder whether they will develop these abnormal blood vessels. Understanding what a vein doctor has to say about their causes and risk factors is helpful to many prospective patients. How Varicose Veins Develop As many as 25 million Americans have a varicose vein problem,...
When you have spider veins, sclerotherapy is often the go-to treatment. A minimally invasive procedure, sclerotherapy involves injecting the appropriate veins with a special chemical solution. The solution destroys the veins, so that they collapse and fade away. While the treatment itself is quick and relatively painless, a bit of prep is...
If you suffer from varicose veins, you may have heard about Endovenous Laser Treatment (EVLT). Also often referred to as Endovenous Laser Therapy or even Endovenous Laser Ablation (EVLA), EVLT is quickly becoming the “gold standard” treatment for varicose veins. How does EVLT work? EVLT is minimally-invasive and virtually painless. Performed by a VIA Vein Center specialist, the procedure begins with...
If you have varicose veins, you have a variety of treatment options, such as ambulatory phlebectomy and endovenous laser therapy. The number of treatment options available allows patients to choose the one that best fits with their lifestyle and that will best help resolve their vein issues. When you are considering working...
When it comes to getting rid of varicose veins, you have options. Vein treatment experts offer several types of therapy that cause varicose veins to disappear, each with their own benefits and drawbacks. One of the newest and most effective choices is called endovenous laser ablation. Learning more about this...
When a patient complains about a persistent ache or throbbing in a leg, a vein specialist asks questions about a possible link to a sports injury or other event. When there is no obvious reason for the discomfort, the physician might suspect that the individual suffers from chronic venous insufficiency. What is...
Varicose vein treatment has come a long way since the days when Hippocrates (the father of modern medicine) recommended tight bandages to compress the legs. Interestingly, compression is still one of the management strategies used by varicose vein doctors like the specialists at Vascular and Intervention Associates. About Varicose Veins Each time your heart beats,...
If you avoid wearing short pants or dresses or feel self-conscious about swimming attire due to spider veins, you might want to consider sclerotherapy. Performed in a vein clinic like Vascular and Interventional Associates, sclerotherapy can improve the appearance of your legs. In addition to sclerotherapy, we offer other treatments for varicose...
EVLT is a treatment for larger varicose veins that uses the power of laser light. If bulging, twisted varicose veins are ruining the smooth appearance of the skin on the back of your legs, you are not alone. Varicose veins affect 15 to 25 percent of all adults, according to the Society...
For many patients, varicose veins are far more than a cosmetic issue. They sometimes cause throbbing and other discomfort. Fortunately, physicians can offer a number of non-surgical techniques to treat them. One they frequently use is endovenous laser ablation, commonly called EVLA. What Exactly is This Vein Treatment? As many as...
When a patient complains about a persistent ache or throbbing in a leg, a vein specialist asks questions about a possible link to a sports injury or other event. When there is no obvious reason for the discomfort, the physician might suspect that the individual suffers from chronic venous insufficiency. What is...
Varicose vein treatment has come a long way since the days when Hippocrates (the father of modern medicine) recommended tight bandages to compress the legs. Interestingly, compression is still one of the management strategies used by varicose vein doctors like the specialists at Vascular and Intervention Associates. About Varicose Veins Each time your heart beats, blood...
If you avoid wearing short pants or dresses or feel self-conscious about swimming attire due to spider veins, you might want to consider sclerotherapy. Performed in a vein clinic like Vascular and Interventional Associates, sclerotherapy can improve the appearance of your legs. In addition to sclerotherapy, we offer other treatments for varicose veins. What...
Almost everyone knows someone who has complained about having varicose veins. Sometimes these abnormal blood vessels are unsightly developments that might affect self-confidence. However, for some people, they cause significant discomfort. Individuals with risk factors for these veins can lower the chance that they will develop by being evaluated and...
The small red, blue, or purple veins that take their name from a spider’s web usually cause no medical problems. However, they are significant cosmetic issues for many patients and can cause discomfort in some. Sclerotherapy is the so-called gold standard among procedures that eliminate these problem blood vessels. Overview of the...
EVLT is a treatment for larger varicose veins that uses the power of laser light. If bulging, twisted varicose veins are ruining the smooth appearance of the skin on the back of your legs, you are not alone. Varicose veins affect 15 to 25 percent of all adults, according to the Society of...
Crestview Hills, KY, Vein Doctor Discusses Spider Vein Treatment If you are like millions of other Americans, you are frustrated about those thin, squiggly red, blue or purple spider veins ruining the smooth appearance of your skin. Spider veins are a common but unsightly cosmetic problem that can happen to...
Abnormal veins are common. However, they are often embarrassing and painful for the patient. Although some patients may be able to improve their symptoms at home, many will require professional treatment. If you are suffering from varicose veins, you may consider a number of different treatments, including ambulatory phlebectomy. Below is...
For many patients, varicose veins are far more than a cosmetic issue. They sometimes cause throbbing and other discomfort. Fortunately, physicians can offer a number of non-surgical techniques to treat them. One they frequently use is endovenous laser ablation, commonly called EVLA. What Exactly is This Vein Treatment? As many as...
Spider Veins: the Causes Explained Spider veins are swollen blood vessels that are visible through the skin. They can appear as blue, purple or red and are much smaller than varicose veins, which are predominantly found on the legs and feet. They commonly occur on legs, but are frequently found on the...
When choosing a Cincinnati vein doctor, it’s important to recognize that certain things makes one physician much different from another. Education, experience and accessibility are key to ensuring you have a good outcome at a Cincinnati center. To help you be certain you’re in good hands, we’ve developed a list of...
Spider Veins: Treating Them Effectively If you are suffering from spider veins, you are not alone. According to the American College of Phlebology, spider veins affect up to half of the women in the U.S. While spider veins are usually not harmful to your health, many women feel embarrassed by their appearance....
Varicose veins are a serious issue many people deal with each year. While it may seem like this is an affliction that you must carry with you for the rest of your life, the truth is there are many ways to get rid of varicose veins. There are a few things...